
Forest education event “Green Classroom” for the first time in Latgale

17.09.2019 14:09

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In the Rēzekne region’s Verēmu parish’s “Sarkaņkalns” on September 12 an educational event “Green Classroom of Latvijas Finieris” took place, gathering more than 1200 children from 50 different schools of Latgale region, they got to know forest management and timber industry in Latvia. The event in Sarkaņkalns organised by the “Latvijas Finieris” and JSC “Latvijas valsts meži” (LVM) took place for the first time.

“Such professional and educational event about forest industry in Latgale took place for the first time, which is why it attracted such an undivided attention from the youth. Furthermore, a chance to learn outside of the usual school premises by working practically and playing outside is an effective way how to educate and give youth a knowledge that would help them to take decisions and make conclusions on their own. It is a significant advantage of future forest industry specialists,” said Dainis Rudzītis, director of forest management planning of LVM Northern Latgale region.

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All through the day in 29 various informative stops students were welcomed by almost 100 forest industry professionals form different companies and organisations.

“During the event I told children about the necessity of forest management. A forest that we love and we like to have walks in and pick mushrooms does not grow on its own – it has been taken care by foresters. Many things were completely new for the youth, they showered me with interesting questions,” next to the miniature multi-layer tree forest says Dainis Rudzītis.

Classes, by visiting educational stops together, participated in educational activities and could receive practical and interesting information about forests, trees growing in them and animals that can be met there, and also about sustainable management of this natural value. Those interested were able to look at forest fire fighting and forest tending machinery, and also get to know the wide range of Latvian produced wooden products and their use in the world.

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“In the educational stop “Forest and Maps” we did a puzzle “Latvija” and we clarified why, when cutting down a tree, a part of the stem is left. However, in the stop “Smart Managing of Forest” we learned to determine age of a growing pine by counting branches, and also counted annual rings of a cut-down tree. An interesting masterclass was in the station “Pine”, where a cone bath could be tried and cones of different trees were identified. Nevertheless, the most interesting stop was “Forest Fire Fighting”. Here we were able to put on firefighters costume and learn more about forest fire prevention measures in forests,” children from Vērēmi Elementary School's 6th grade shared their highlights of the event.

However, one of the teachers, who visited the event with her students, did not hide the joy that was given from a good and useful time spent in nature: “The venue of the event allowed us to enjoy the beauty of our Latgale from a hill top, furthermore, both young and old were able to learn so much about forest, its inhabitants, about the things that could happen if we are careless, irresponsible, about whom we have to be thankful for being able to breathe, live, about the fact that there is a whole industry of state and knowledgeable people who take care of the forest so that it would prosper and bring the goods for us in the future”.

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The educational event’s “Green Classroom of Latvijas Finieris” in Sarkaņkalns programme has been created using the experience of similar events of the industry that have become popular amongst children and teachers, and also families, for example, “Forest ABC” in Kurzeme, “Forest Days of Latvia” in Tērvete, “Come, let's go to forest!” in Priekuļi and other events in Latvian regions.

“Together with colleagues from LVM we created an educational event, which is oriented directly for the region of Latgale, where such events have not been organised before. This time children of Latgale did not have to spend half of day in a bus to learn about forest management and wood processing industry of Latvia. Someone came on foot, someone used city bus. We thank all the organisations, companies and people, who agreed to participate and made this day complete!” says Jānis Staris, member of the council of JSC “Latvijas Finieris”.

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Sarkaņkalns is an educational and active recreation place owned by JSC “Latvijas Finieris” in Rēzekne municipality's Vērēmi rural territory, in Plikpūrmaļi, some 10 km from Rēzekne city. Since October of 2018 the Sarkaņkalns is managed by foundation “Latvijas Finiera fonds ilgtspējīgai attīstībai” (Latvijas Finieris Fund For Sustainable Development). The fund, in collaboration with partners, takes part in shaping public opinion about sustainable interaction between humans and environment, and also about rational use of land with an aim to improve the understanding and knowledge of people about possibilities and resources provided by nature, and also about persistent and respectful work resulting in material or nonmaterial goods, assets or liabilities, which in future is not only the main driving force for one family, household or company, but is also a foundation for the development of the whole country.



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