
Two Osprey Nests have been Found on the Poles of a High Voltage Line

30.07.2024 15:07


Environmental experts of JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) have found the rare and protected ospreys nesting on high-voltage power line poles in two locations in Latvia. Three babies were also found in one of the nests.

One of the nests was found in LVM Zemgale Region, and the other in LVM Vidusdaugava Region. After receiving the permission of JSC “Augstsprieguma tīkls”, one osprey nest was inspected with a drone by LVM's environmental experts, in compliance with the requirements for the safe flight of unmanned aircraft. There were three chicks about a month old in the nest, which were monitored by one adult bird hovering nearby during the inspection.

“Osprey nesting on high-voltage line poles in Latvia is a relatively unusual case. Until now, such a case had only been recorded once – in 2021 near Ķemeri. Elsewhere in Europe, ospreys have also been found nesting on such poles, but not often. The only exception is Germany, where about half of the population of about 600 couples nest exactly on power line poles. So far, no information has been received that such seemingly unsuitable nesting places would have harmed the large birds,” says ornithologist and LVM Environmental Expert Aigars Kalvāns.

Usually, ospreys in Latvia prefer to live in forests and swamps near various reservoirs, so that they can easily find food for themselves – fish.  

For 17 years, the bird monitoring carried out regularly by LVM environmental experts allows us to follow the progress of the nesting of the specially protected bird – the osprey. During this time, the number of territories inhabited by this rare bird has more than doubled in Latvia. Last year, as part of the monitoring, a total of 240 territories were surveyed, of which 140 were inhabited. The majority of the inhabited territories – 118 – are located in forests managed by LVM.

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