
At the end of summer – new “Release the Mother!” record at LVM Gulbju Lake and little sensation of Usma Lake!

07.10.2019 12:10


Otto Millera un Edgara Krūmiņa izpildījumā


On the first day of August, in LVM Recreation and Tourism Centre “Spāre” at LVM Gulbju Lake the angling competition for employees of construction material company Sakret Latvia took place using the measurement troughs of “Release the Mother!”, approximately 10 crews took part. The LVM Gulbju Lake is the pride of Spāre parish, Kurzeme and the whole Latvia – in the circles of experts is also called the “Little Finland” – in a case of luck, an intelligent angler can hope for at least three contacts with the large fish; not to mention the homey cabins surrounded with fresh pine forest air! That is the fairytale of reality – refreshment for body and mind! Also Māris Miķelsons – the organiser of this event and member of “Release the Mother!” – likes the lake because it is a perfect place for outdoor activities amongst colleagues and friends. It must be mentioned that Māris is the one, who in 4th year of the project has managed to become an author of one of the sensations – at the end of June he set the new “Release the Mother!” record in LVM Lake Kaņieris – 121 centimetres for the giant mother!


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There is a saying that postman can call twice – soon after the beginning of constructors’ competition – Māris gets a blunt nudge at the end of his line, a pleasant weight presses, and the unequal battle has begun! Pike holds her position well – it has its own methods against the thorns in her mouth – an energetic headshake, sometimes the large pike does somersaults like a salmon, but when reeled to the boat tries to find a shelter underneath it, if the line catches on something rough it can easily brake... Angler M. Miķelsons was very surprised when, after all the crazy battling, it was caught in the rubbery landing net, and after the first glance it was clear that this is not “ yet another metre-long”, but an animal standing a class higher. With a nervous heart and trembling hands it was put in previously wettened measurement trough and the pike showed the unbelievable 116 centimetres! In the small LVM Gulbju Lake! Another fish, which in previous seasons in LVM lakes would not even stand close in the sense of size...! Deer in the nearest glades prick up their ears nervously – roars of triumph roll over the “Little Finland”... And not without a reason – Māris Miķelsons holds one more record in the LVM lakes! The 4th season for Māris has turned out super successful – and it is not over yet – applications can be sent it, as usual, until November 30. Despite the impressive size of the “mermaid” of LVM Gulbju Lake, in August 2 pikes from Lake Alūksne have managed to climb higher in the table of the contest. The master of big pikes, Ingus Ozoliņš, has no intention to stop and in conversation with the author of article he reveals that with big-bait angling equipment he rediscovers angling, and has no place for dreamy self-delusion in the new horizon of fish world... Pikes registered in August will bring main prizes to Ingus for the largest pike, for the largest total length of 3 one species fish in one month..., The comments of the lucky man are short – Ingus is lucky with his place of residence, his work and his closest people, who are ready to understand and support his passion to water and underwater inhabitants. If we would have to compare the results of Māris and Ingus, then in numbers Ingus is ahead, but the quality bonus, seems, goes to achievements of M. Miķelsons – records in LVM lakes have been broken with giant leaps – 13 cm in Little Finland and 20 cm in windy LVM Lake Kaņieris. With regards to Lake Alūksne – most powerful big pike anglers in October and November will try to break the national record – tight lines!



In August 18 applications of trophies were received altogether – only pikes. Their personal record with the angry partners have welcomed, the most lucky and persistent ones Ingus and Māris, and also the newcomers of “Release the Mother!” contest – Kristaps Basovs, Augusts Tutāns, Ivars Dubrovs, Agnis Tīfentāls and school student Nils Skulte, son of long-term angling activist Modris Skulte – everyone will receive what they deserve – some the Honorary Fisherman's badge, some a prize! Altogether in August 18.14 metres of caught and released fish have been registered; the richest lakes with catches at the break of autumn have been – Lake Alūksne, all four LVM lakes and Lake Babīte, which in spring underwent low water period. We remind that the prizes in “Release the Mother!” 4th season are provided by best traders and producers of fishing equipment – SIA Ieroči, Eholotes, FishBon and Golteenn, because angling is life and/or the other way around for all representatives of these brands...


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The little sensation in August was provided by angler from Rīga, Edgars Krūmiņš, but before that – in June Otto Millers paved the way for the sensation, the angling brother with specialisation in big pikes! No other fish charms and fascinates him more than the “sharp thoothed torpedo”, and to young man's understanding the catch does not have to be dead and sad, but spreading of ideas of responsible fishing to Otto's mind is just a natural process. Even though Lake Usma, who joined the “Release the Mother!” project, thanks to activities of “Bukdangas” owner Atis Maldonis, only this year, still has a long way ahead, for example, to the richness of Lake Alūksne. However, the first steps have been made and “Release the Mother!” confirms a repeated catch and release case – Otto tricked the 92 cm long mother of Usma and carefully released it on June 5, using the 23 cm long PigShad as imitation. Only 2 months later, 7 millimetres longer, Edgars caught and released it one more time. Yes, there are fish that fail to be released, there are some that leave an impression that they have hooked to die and in one such – lethal drama with the help of Bior institute we will go deeper in the next articles – but by far larger is the number of those carnivorous fish that not only survive, but continue to feed, grow and reproduce.


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